Kitchen Extract and Ventilation Cleaning Solutions
If you are looking for commercial kitchen extract duct cleaning services in Hanley-on-Thames, you ought to have a hassle-free experience by allying with Industrial Ventilation Solutions Ltd. (IVS).
Running a commercial kitchen comes with the indispensable consequence of accumulating grease and contaminants in the kitchen extract duct and ventilation systems. They must be cleaned periodically to comply with UK health and safety regulations and maintain a hygienic environment for your customers and staff. According to the standards set by BESA TR19, kitchen extraction systems must be cleaned at least every six months. Moreover, the guidelines also define specific methods, equipment and safety norms.
IVS is a team of fully accredited, insured and recommended experts to give you comprehensive kitchen ventilation cleaning solutions in Hanley-on-Thames that are carried out following the latest BESA TR19® regulations. For commercial kitchens in small bakeries, restaurants, hotels, schools or catering services, our tailored plans will ensure that you have the most stress-free kitchen extract duct cleaning experience.
We cater to diverse industries within the food and hospitality sector, delivering tailored ductwork cleaning solutions in Hanley-on-Thames. All our projects include a preliminary survey and detailed reporting on completion with photographic evidence. We carry out all the parameters under the BESA TR19® regulations and ensure that your facility is fully compliant.
Extractor & Ductwork Cleaning
For commercial kitchens, extractor and ductwork cleaning is more than a legal requirement. It is also a key parameter for insurance claims, and the cleaning day must not interfere with business hours. Get managed, accredited and timely services that maintain all these criteria cohesively.
Kitchen Canopy Cleaning
Kitchen canopy cleaning is necessary to manage the grease accumulating from all that deep frying, oil and fat from becoming a fire hazard or contaminating the air quality of your restaurant. Get monthly, quarterly or yearly kitchen canopy cleaning services according to TR19 Cleaning Standards.e.
Why Trust IVS For Professional Kitchen Extract Duct Cleaning In Hanley-On-Thames?
IVS is one of the most trusted contractors of professional extract duct cleaning for commercial kitchens In Hanley-On-Thames, we have worked with over 100 restaurants, pubs, schools and offices in this region. Our potential customers can trust us based on our industry reputation alone, but we have several other reasons to go with it.
• Availability and Accessibility: We ensure an organised business to keep ourselves available for maximum inquiries, appointments, and emergency cleaning needs.
• Expertise: We bring over 25 years of combined experience in professional kitchen extract duct cleaning, with highly qualified and certified experts on the job.
• Specialised Equipment: We use state-of-the-art equipment specifically designed for kitchen extract duct cleaning.
• Environmental Responsibility: We have a plan to follow more environmentally friendly cleaning practices by minimising the use of biohazardous products and ensuring responsible waste disposal.
Tell Us Your Requirement for Professional Kitchen Extract Duct Cleaning In Hanley-On-Thames
If you are looking to know more about our local kitchen duct cleaning services in Hanley-on-Thames, feel free to contact us at Industrial Ventilation Solutions Ltd. (IVS) for a personalised consultation and expert opinion. Enquire now!